
My goal in starting this website was to introduce people to Bitcoin, and to be there to provide guidance once they have that “A-Ha” moment and realize this asset’s amazing value proposition. Ideally, I would hope that individuals’ own research into the world of Bitcoin would see them achieve the basics of acquiring Bitcoin and achieving secure self custody using their own signing devices (hardware wallets) with little or no assistance from me, using the many free online resources that are available, some of which I have linked on this site. But, if you do need a little extra hand-holding on some of the more technical aspects of building and protecting your Bitcoin stack, I do provide in person and online sessions to help you get there. Here are some of the topics that I can cover with you in a combination of one or two hour sessions:

Module 1) Introductory Session 1-2 Hours: Get to know me, ask any general questions, discuss your goals and where you are at in your Bitcoin journey.

Module 2) Basic Computer/Phone Hardware Suitability and Skills Assessment (Multi-Session As Needed): Identify any shortcomings in your computer hardware or understanding of basic computing, and come up with a plan to address them. Subsequent sessions in this module can include improving your phone and computer hardware setup, setting up reliable data backup capabilities, and getting software downloaded and installed on your PC and mobile device that will permit you to view and manage your assets, create transactions for sending and receiving Bitcoin, minimize fees, and back up any important data.

Module 3) Interacting With Bitcoin Exchanges (Multi-Session As Needed): Establishing Bank Account Links for Funding Your Exchange Accounts, Making Bitcoin Purchases, Selling Bitcoin, Moving Funds Back to Your Bank Account, Moving Bitcoin Off the Exchange Into Self Custody. In these sessions I can point you toward a couple of the registered Canadian Bitcoin exchanges that I use, and show you the basic mechanics for changing fiat dollars into Bitcoin, selling Bitcoin to change it back into fiat, and withdrawing Bitcoin to self custody so you alone control it.

Module 4) Acquiring, Setting Up And Backing Up Your First Signing Devices (Hardware Wallets). Multi-Session As Needed: Here we cover the pros and cons of various signing devices that are on the market so you can make your own decision about which of the many models is right for you. Then, once you have a hardware wallet, I can recommend ways to back up your “keys” in ways that are not susceptible to loss, damage or theft. We can also cover ways to link your phone and desktop software to view your hardware wallet balances, create transactions, manage various sized chunks of Bitcoin, and sign transactions.

Additional Modules: So as not to overwhelm you with everything all at once, suffice it to say that mastery of the concepts in first 4 modules, aimed at making you a self sufficient Bitcoin holder, will open your eyes to enough new concepts and skills that by the time you are actively building your Bitcoin stack, you will already be thinking about other topics that we can cover. Things like advanced security models, succession and estate planning for your Bitcoin stack, how to integrate Bitcoin payments into your business, second layer technologies, tax and accounting strategies, and how to self direct your education in the Bitcoin space. I can show you how to run your own copy of the Bitcoin Core software and confirm your own transactions on the network, and even how you can get your feet wet on Bitcoin mining.

I look forward to the opportunity to help you and other Bitcoiners in the Lakeland along the path!